From: Stockton CA

OK purchase, does what I need it to do

August 14, 2014
The lens is an OK lens, would prefer a manual zoom though. The lens came with the camera, a Sony a6000. This is an amazing camera. I have a full complement of professional Canon Cameras as I am a sport shooter. This camera and the 16-50 lens will be my choice for shooting Basketball this season and for Track and Field. For my general overall shooting the a6000 and 16-50 is the go to choice and I am never without if I am out and about.... Read More  Hide
From: New York, NY 10014, USA

Excellent Lens

July 01, 2015
Certainly not a professional, but I do like to take good photographs. I gave up a nice Nikon more than a decade ago to dabble in digital photography - a simple Sony at the time. Four more simple yet great Sony's later, I'm finally back with an a6000. Love the camera and still learning about it - but I'm very impressed with this lens. Beautiful color, perfect focusing, no barreling as far as I can see. Very much recommended.... Read More  Hide
From: North Aurora, IL 60542, USA

Pretty darn good wide angle

August 02, 2015
I don't see what all the fuss is about. I had reasonable expectations with this "kit" lens, but actually was blown away with its performance! I work at a camera store and see all sorts of optics and this one is well worth it. I was initially planning on the 10-18 lens as an additional wide but really found this to be quite sufficient and sharp. I shot a wedding (video) with this mounted on the Sony A 6000 and was very impressed with its quality and clarity. Do not hesitate to get one for yourself.... Read More  Hide
Wayne 1
From: Visalia, CA, United States

My favorite camera ever

February 05, 2017
I bought this about two weeks ago and have tried to give it a good test. I really like the ability to do selfies by flipping the screen on the back. I find it easier to use than my I phone to do selfies. I will sooon be looking for a telephoto lens to add to my camera.... Read More  Hide
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