From: SLC Ut


August 15, 2020
I have enjoyed Sony cameras & lenses since coming from Canon. I am not happy with the quality. Anyone could agree that these lenses are priced very high... which is fine.... you get what you pay for. Thing is I've had this lens for around 3 years and it already took a dump. The motor went out. I baby my lenses & put them in manual when I'm done and go to any extreme to make sure they are taken care of so it was a total surprise to me that after only 3 years a high end lens motor would crash. On top of that it was a pretty penny to fix... $700 when in fact they first told me $400 at the highest. So yes I am not happy that when I do all I can to take care of my gear only to have it break down. I've had my L Canon lenses for over 10 years and not one problem so you make the choice.... Read More  Hide
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